Submitting To Her Professor Page 3
Jack broke in, "Annie, I'm not your father. I can't just spank you…" His voice trailed off. What the hell was he saying? He wanted to spank her so badly! Why was he saying this! On the other hand, it wasn't worth his job, if she reported him. Annie still just stood in front of him with her head down. "Even if you deserve it," he finished.
"There has to be something I can do. I want to make it up to you, somehow." Annie still looked at the ground as she spoke quietly. "Maybe I can just work for you for free, and you don't have to pay me. I can get another work study job, and I can try to repay you by working for free." She paused. "Oh, you probably don't even want me around now that you can't trust me anymore." She paused again and a few tears trickled down her cheek. "But I just feel so bad. I feel so bad! I am so, sorry and there is nothing I can do." She put her hands up and covered her face.
* * *
Jack didn't know what to say. She had as good as offered to allow him to spank her, and he had told her that he wasn't her father. Damn it all! Now, he was going to lose his best research assistant, too. He was pissed at himself as well as at her. How could he fix this?
"I wish I didn't have to fire you, Annie. I wish there was some way I could keep you on." Would she, maybe, bring up the spanking again? Was there some way of getting it back on the table? All his life, Jack had wanted to spank a naughty female. He hadn't dated much in college because swim team and research took up most of his time, but the few girls he had dated had seemed outraged at the mere suggestion of even a little play spanking. He'd had a couple of long term relationships in grad school and on his post doc, and one of those girlfriends had indulged him occasionally with a little bit of fantasy play, but it wasn't really very satisfying for either of them. Now, he had a chance to spank a very naughty and deserving student, and he might have blown it. Damn it!
Jack reached up and pulled Annie's hands away from her face. "Look at me, Annie." She still looked down, and he tilted her face up to his. "Look at me when I tell you to." She looked at him with tear-filled eyes.
"I don't want to fire you, Annie. I wish there was some other way. I really don't want to fire you." Please let her ask me to spank her again, please let her ask me again, he prayed.
"Do you want to spank me, instead?" Annie asked so quietly, he almost didn't hear her.
"Is that what you want?" he replied. Damn, he did it again! Why, why, couldn't he just say yes?
He could see Annie pausing for a moment, trying to look down while he held her face so she had to meet his gaze. What did she want? She was just so sorry and wished there was some way to make up for what she had done. Had she thought about being spanked for her misdeeds, and in this case, it really seemed to make sense?
Finally, she breathed, "No, but I'm the one being punished, so it isn't about what I want, is it? It's a punishment."
Jack couldn't suppress the shudder that coursed through his body at her words. He couldn't believe this was happening. A young woman was actually offering herself up to him, Jackson Davis, to be spanked for her misbehavior. He was sure he must be dreaming, and he just prayed he wouldn't wake up until it was over.
"Do you still want to work for me?" He forced his suddenly dry mouth to say the words.
"More than anything," she replied softly.
"And do you think this is how we should deal with your behavior?"
"I-I…guess so." Annie couldn't look at him any longer, and turned her face back to the floor.
Chapter 3
Jack's emotions were rabbiting out of control. He was still angry with Annie, and, if he was forced to admit it, a bit hurt that she had risked compromising their experiments like that. He was elated that he was finally going to be able to live out a fantasy he'd had since his earliest teenage years and spank a naughty and penitent young woman. He was also quite nervous about how the spanking would actually proceed and a little annoyed at himself because, in all his fantasizing about spanking, he had never actually thought about some of the logistics he had to deal with now.
* * *
Annie's emotions were, likewise, beyond any combination she had ever experienced before. She was still grossly ashamed she had let Paulie into the lab, breaking dozens of rules and betraying her advisor's trust. She was incredibly relieved, to the point of giddiness, that she wasn't going to jail and wasn't even going to be kicked out of school, and she felt extremely grateful to Professor Davis for not reporting her. She was shocked he had suggested spanking her, and worried that, somehow, he knew her deepest, darkest secrets and desires, and that's why he had suggested the spanking.
But a new emotion was starting to overwhelm all those Annie was currently experiencing, and that was fear. She just agreed to let Professor Davis spank her, and now she was getting very nervous about that decision. What exactly was he planning to do to her? Was he going to spank her on her bare bottom or let her leave her jeans up? Surely, he wouldn't pull her panties down. Or would he? Was he going to use his hand or something else to spank her? Would he take her over his knee or make her bend over a desk? And most important – how much would it hurt?
* * *
As Jack thought about logistics, a thought occurred to him. He realized he could still get in serious trouble if Annie later reported him for spanking her, perhaps even filing an assault charge with the police. If she denied giving her permission, it would be his word against hers, and he didn't think that would work out well for him. He needed to protect himself with some kind of written consent.
Jack broke the silence between them. "All right, Annie, do you know what the first thing we're going to do is?"
The sound of his voice caused Annie to start, breaking her out of her nervous thoughts of what exactly Jack was going to do to her. "Umm, sorry, what did you say?"
Jack sighed impatiently. "Will you pay attention? I said, what do you think we're going to do first?"
* * *
In her nervousness, he caught her off balance by the question. What happens first? She tried frantically to think of the correct answer. What is supposed to happen first? What happens first in a spanking? What was he going to do first? "Umm, bare my bottom?" she guessed nervously. Her face grew red to the roots of hair.
* * *
In spite of himself, Jack could not contain the tremor that passed through his body at her words. A wild frisson of excitement almost overpowered him. When she had given him permission to spank her, he had assumed it would be over her jeans. He never thought for a minute that she would consent to baring her bottom for him. Now, she had just suggested that he start the spanking by pulling down her pants! He could barely believe this was happening to him.
It was a moment before Jack could even speak again. "Yes, well, before that, before we get to the point where we bare your bottom." He had to swallow several times.
Annie, mortified that she had just blurted out such a thing in her nervousness, was unable to answer. She mutely shook her head.
"What we're going to do next is make a contract to protect us both. The contract will state that you give me permission to spank your bare bottom." He could hardly say this without a feeling of lightheadedness. "And I promise not to report you to any authorities or fire you for your behavior."
* * *
Annie was still so flustered by what she had said about baring her bottom, she could hardly process what Jack was saying. She nodded mutely again as he got up and moved to the small computer desk in the corner. He flicked on the monitor and began typing rapidly. Annie watched his strong hands as they flew effortlessly across the keyboard, only comprehending that these same strong hands would soon be smacking her bare bottom. The numb state of shock she had felt earlier, when Jack had first walked in on her and Paulie, had returned full strength.
Jack hit the print button, and within seconds, the sheet spewed out of the printer. He fished a pen out of the desk drawer and quickly signed his name. He handed the sheet and pen to Annie. "Sign here," he ordered quietly.
Annie too
k the paper and pen from him wordlessly. In her state, she wasn't sure exactly what was happening. Was she expected to sign for a spanking, the same way she would sign for receiving a package? Numbly, she started to obey and sign her name.
"No, read it first, before you sign it," Jack's voice seemed to be coming from a long distance away. "Make sure you agree and give your consent."
Annie broke out of her trance, read the paper, and signed it. She hoped he would not quiz her again about what they were going to do next.
* * *
Once she signed the contract, Jack started to feel much more confident about the upcoming spanking. He had waited his entire adult life for this, and he wasn't going to spoil it now with indecisiveness. He returned to the chair he had been sitting in earlier, when he had been lecturing Annie, and pulled it to the center of the room and sat in it. "Come here, Annie," he ordered.
Annie's trepidation skyrocketed, but she walked over and stood in front of Jack, her eyes wide and her breathing rapid. "I'm really scared," she whispered. "It's going to hurt."
"Have you ever been spanked before, Annie?" Jack asked her quietly.
"Well, not, not exactly. I mean, umm, not really, not…I guess not really," Annie stammered.
Jack decided to avoid the questions this odd response raised and get right to the heart of the matter. "Yes, Annie. This is going to hurt. Spankings are supposed to hurt. You're being punished. You did something you knew was wrong, and it could have caused a lot of trouble, so I'm going to punish you by spanking you. Do you understand?"
"Yes." Annie's reply was so soft, Jack could hardly hear it.
"Do you trust me, Annie?"
"N-no," replied Annie, looking down.
"No?" Jack was a bit taken aback by her response.
"Well, no, I guess I don't know what you're going to do to me. And I'm scared." Again, he could hardly hear her voice.
"Annie, I promise I will not cause you any real harm. The spanking will hurt, and you will want me to stop long before I will stop, but I would never really hurt you. Your bottom may sting for a while after the spanking, but I promise not to harm you in any real lasting sense."
"If you don't trust me, we'll tear up that contract right now. You should never allow this to happen to you, if you don't trust me."
"No, I guess I trust you. I mean I trust you not to really hurt me. And I don't want to lose my job."
As much as he wanted to proceed with the spanking immediately, Jack felt as if he had to address this issue first. "Annie, if you didn't trust me at the beginning, you should never have agreed to this. Why would you agree, if you didn't trust me? That doesn't make any sense, from a self-preservation point of view. Annie, look at me, now!"
Annie looked up at Jack and then looked back down. "I don't know. I just feel really bad when I upset or disappoint other people. I always want to do something to make things better. Sometimes, I end up doing things I wish I hadn't done." Her voice trailed off to a faint whisper at the end.
"And are you wishing you had not agreed to a spanking now?"
"N-no, I guess I do trust you not to really hurt me, and I want to keep my job. I was thinking more of what I did earlier – letting Paulie in the lab – it was so stupid. I just didn't want him to be mad at me." Annie let out a soft sob.
"Annie, you're going to have to learn to be more careful and not give in just to please other people. I want you to think about that while I'm spanking you. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir." Annie closed her eyes.
"Are you ready for your spanking to start?"
"I guess so." Annie kept her eyes closed.
"Then, here are the rules for the spanking." Jack made his voice stern and formal. "After we bare your bottom, you'll lie across my lap and I will spank you. You will lie still and take your spanking like a good girl. If you wiggle or try to cover your bottom or scream, I'll start all over again. Do you understand?"
Annie's eyes flew open. "Oh, no, I…"
Jack interrupted her, "No, no more delays. Let's get this over with." He hoped she wouldn't try to back out now.
"No, no, you don't understand, I…"
Jack didn't give her a chance to finish. He was ready to begin. "Now, come over here and let's..."
"Please, please, may I say something?" Annie finally managed to say.
"Of course, Annie, go ahead." Jack was sure she was going to change her mind now that the spanking was imminent, and he prepared himself to back off and cancel the spanking.
Annie was close to tears. "Please, I'm so scared. What if I can't lie still? I'm afraid I might try to cover my bottom with my hand. I-I'm not very good with pain. I'm afraid I won't be very cooperative. If you start over every time I…well, I'm really scared that we'll be here all week." Annie's voice broke.
Jack had been worried that, as the moment actually approached, she was going to try to get out of her spanking. Instead, as she stood there waiting for her first real spanking, she was just worried she wouldn't be cooperative enough. Jack was amazed by her response. He had never met anyone like her, and her submissiveness touched him deeply. She wasn't trying to avoid a spanking, she was just afraid she might not be obedient enough, during it.
Jack reached out and took her hands and found that she was shaking. He gave her hands a gentle squeeze and felt a wave of affection for her sweep over him. "Don't worry, we won't go on all week. You just try to be a good girl, and I won't start over, even if you struggle. Deal?"
"Okay," sniffed Annie.
"Now, let's get this over with." Jack reached over, undid the button on Annie's jeans, and then pulled down the zipper. Annie gave a small whimper, and when Jack hooked his thumbs in the sides of her jeans and slipped them down to her thighs, Annie's whimper grew more pronounced.
Annie was wearing plain pink cotton hip hugger panties. Jack's sense of propriety made him pull her over his lap first and then pull down her panties.
* * *
Annie felt herself going numb with shock again. She couldn't believe this was happening. She was so scared, she was afraid her stomach might revolt. How could she have been so stupid! She felt all the blood rush to her head, and not just because of her awkward position, but because the embarrassment and humiliation of having her bottom bared for a spanking caused her face to burn with shame. She tried to keep her legs together as best she could to avoid any further humiliating exposure. She had been close to tears again, a moment ago, and this experience of being bared and pulled into this very awkward position for a spanking was enough to cause the tears to run down her face and fall on the floor below her.
* * *
Jack could hardly believe this was happening, either. He looked at the girl lying across his lap, with her bottom bared, waiting for him to spank her. He wanted this moment to last forever, but he also wanted to start spanking her right away! His body was throbbing with excitement, but a surprising feeling of affection for the girl who gave herself to him so compliantly overcame him. He looked at her smooth white bottom. He had noticed how pale her skin was in the past, her face and arms the palest pink, enhanced by just a few freckles. But he hadn't realized that her bottom would be even paler, never having seen the sun. Coming as he did from a family who all tanned easily in the North Carolina sunshine, Jack had never seen such white skin in his life. He rested his hand on her bottom, covering most of it with his one large hand. He longed to caress her cheeks before he started spanking her, but stopped himself just in time. She hadn't given her consent for that. He lifted his hand in the air and brought it down with a loud smacking sound, right across the middle of her bottom.
Annie felt his hand resting on her bottom and knew when he lifted it. She tensed, waiting for it to fall. When it did, the stinging smack caused a tingle to rush through her entire body. She gasped quietly and then felt the sting change as he raised his hand for a second smack. Before she could react, another had fallen, and another, all in the same place. She tried
to wriggle her bottom, suddenly heedless of her modesty, so that his hand would fall on a different part. The sting began to build into a burning sensation.
Jack was pleased to see Annie's bottom turning pink where he spanked it repeatedly. She started wiggling and he used his strong left arm to hold her in place. After a moment, her hand flew back to protect her bottom, but he deftly caught it and pinned it to her side. He started to vary his swats, aiming them for all different parts of her bottom – high on the crest, down low, even the thighs. Her wiggling increased but he held her fast. Her legs started to kick up behind her, and he found that incredibly arousing. Her whole bottom was now a bright pink.
Her gasps turned to low moans, and she began pleading with him. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" Jack slowed his blows slightly, but started spanking her harder now. The loud smacks echoed off the walls in the small room. Jack was glad that the animal-room was soundproofed. At least the rats wouldn't be bothered by this.
Annie tried to wriggle away from the punishing spanks, but Jack's tight grip didn't allow it. The fast, stinging swats had been bad enough, but these slower, harder smacks caused her to cry freely. The pain in her bottom built, and she felt helpless to escape it. The stinging burn was intense.
After twenty or thirty smacks, Jack's hand started to tingle. After about ten more smacks, it was downright uncomfortable. He slowly brought the spanks to a stop as he thought about his options.
Annie turned her tearstained face to him and asked hopefully, "Is it over?"
"No," Jack replied curtly. "We're just taking a little break."